functional dna testing
Functional Genomic Analysis Testing helps to identify and support impaired function due to environmental toxicity combined with inherited functional weakness, with targeted and personalized holistic care based upon the complex interactions of genomics, presenting symptoms and labs.

Your DNA that you inherited from your mother and father contains “instructions” on how to make enzymes that help convert the food you eat, the air you breathe, and sunlight into all the cells, blood, and neurotransmitters in your body. It’s an amazing process.
Genetic variants may impede the proper function of these enzymes, and as a result, you may have less than optimal function, and the creation of critical molecules for health.

By understanding these genetic variants, which can potentially cause imbalances, our goal is to supply the right nutrients and targeted supplementation, or diet and lifestyle recommendations to assist the body to support detoxification pathways/reduce the effects of toxins in the body and support the healthy rebuilding of cells and organs for building functional cellular health.

what does this mean to me?
The presence of free radicals and oxidative stress in your body also may be the root cause of health issues. Your body naturally produces all of these agents, but genetic SNP'S can cause you to have too much or not enough of them. When out of balance, free radicals and oxidative stress may cause cellular damage, inflammation, and excessive toxin build-up, leading to slower rebuilding and repair of cells...and ultimately aging faster.

Functional genomics analyzes hundreds of processes in your genetic patterns.

People with variants in TNF-a or NF-kB may have a stronger response to mycotoxins and create more histamine and inflammation.
People with variated PEMT SNPS may be less able to digest and utilize fats.
Variants in the HLA and KIAA1109 genes may increase the chance of gluten intolerance, or the ABP1 genes may impact your ability to digest fermented foods, thus resulting in digestive disturbances.

People with variated NRF2 and SNP's may be less able to make, utilize, and recycle their antioxidants, critical to lessen inflammation and toxicity.
HFE and SLC40A1
People with variated HFE and SLC40A1 may have unresolved inflammation from iron being a free radical rather than a needed mineral to support health.
Variants in the CACNA1C gene may negatively impact your response to electrical field exposure.
what your report will reveal

Based on the analysis of your test, your health professional may recommend other tests or lab work, lifestyle or dietary changes, as well as suggestions for targeted specific nutrients to support functional weakness.
A personal, extensive report generated through Functional Genomic Analysis will reveal the genes involved with antioxidant production, potential production of oxidative stress, excess free radicals, possible food allergies, potential trouble with histamines, and much, much more.
The report looks only at supporting the underlining biochemistry and proper function if a predisposition to weakness is being expressed.
Clinic: (512) 567-3592
Fax : (512) 869-2252